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Recruiting on TikTok

Recruiting on TikTok has emerged as an innovative and effective strategy for many companies looking to attract a younger, tech-savvy workforce. By leveraging the platform's highly engaging, short-form video format, recruiters can create dynamic content that can showcase the company culture, highlight employee testimonials, and give a glimpse into daily operations.

A Free Resource For Property Marketing

When you use it well, social media is a free way to connect with potential clients anytime, day or night. But it's not just about posting your listings and hoping for the best. The real magic happens when you position yourself as a local expert, sharing trustworthy and experienced advice.

10 Things Recruiters Should Do on Instagram

In today’s digital age, Instagram isn’t just for sharing picturesque sunsets and mouth-watering meals. It’s a powerful tool for recruiters looking to connect with potential candidates and showcase their company's culture. Here are 10 things recruiters should do on Instagram to maximise their reach and effectiveness.

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In a Nutshell

  • *Give back

  • *Use video content

  • *Share live jobs

  • *Use Hashtags

  • *Use stories

  • *Share candidate success stories

  • *Host live Q&A’s

  • *Put a link in the bio

  • *Direct message candidates

  • *Use location tags

Do recruiters even belong on Instagram?I imagine most people would say their social platform of choice should be LinkedIn, and while LinkedIn is fantastic for professionals and recruiters, it would be remiss of recruiters to not explore Instagram and its benefits.
Instagram is a huge platform, it has over 2 billion users worldwide, over half of them between the ages of 18-29. Instagram is abundant with individuals and businesses, professionals, students and graduates, but not all of these are going to be on professional sites.
Creating a page for yourself on Instagram widens your professional fishing pool and creates a wider network for you. So how do you find all these potential candidates? Or better still, how do you create content that will let them find you?Here are 10 things you need to be doing if you’re a recruiter on Instagram:Give back – Create useful content that helps job seekers. Creating carousel posts with job-seeking tips is incredibly useful, especially from an industry insider. Encourage your followers to share their tips too.Use video content to share your advice on interview skills: Appropriate attire, answering questions, asking questions and preparation.Share live jobs that you are recruiting for: Post these on your grid, and on your stories complete with a link to apply. Posting it to both grid and stories means a higher chance of all your followers seeing the job.Use hashtags: Create your own personal hashtag for people to follow, but also, utilise hashtags in varying popularity to engage with others and increase the chances of users finding your account.
Use stories to share behind-the-scenes content about your role and the day-to-day responsibilities of a recruiter.
Share candidate success stories: If individuals give permission, share their journey from applying for a job via you to the interview and accepting the job offer.
Host live Q&A sessions where you can be asked questions from job seekers. This is a great way to be helpful and knowledgeable, whilst showing you are approachable and personable to potential job seekers.
**Link in your bio: **Using a site such as LinkTree, you can use a link in your bio to direct candidates to job search pages, application pages and useful content for job seekers.**Direct message candidates: **You are a recruiter, so send a well-thought-out message, complete with a job link to candidates if you believe them to be suitable for the role.Use location tags: When posting your content use location tags for better visibility across the platform. Also, search locations to help pull up individuals within an area that you are recruiting for.Like all social media and businesses, it's important to build a brand and reputation and create content that people will find useful, cementing yourself as a trustworthy knowledgeable individual within the industry.Instagram isn’t typical of a recruitment site, but it has untapped potential that could help you find your ideal candidate.
Learn more about how Instagram can help your recruitment agency
Want to find out how to propel your recruitment agency and beat the competition?

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Social media is a valuable tool for property marketing. _When used effectively- it’s a free resource to engage with potential clients 24 hours a day. However, a social media account is not the place to just post your available properties and hope for the best. The value comes from positioning yourself as a local expert, someone who can be trusted to deliver reliable information from experience.A social media account that is simply a catalogue of available properties without context offers nothing that can’t be found on Rightmove or Zoopla. People simply won't follow and engage with your account for the sake of it- you have to have a ‘giving’ approach to your content and aim to genuinely provide value.For example, a social post regarding local schools in the area is unlikely to result in a direct sale for most people at that particular moment. But for parents, its longer-term effect is threefold:
* Potential customers are invited to consider the lifestyle that a property in the area would provide them.
* The area (and by extension, your available properties) are considered viable options.
* You have positioned yourself as an expert, someone who can be approached for advice with no obligation.
By providing helpful content, you differentiate yourself from other estate agencies that are more concerned with making a sale than helping their clients.
You can add implied value to the property by not just offering the bricks and mortar, but also marketing the local area.
People are not simply buying a house when they move, and by highlighting the surrounding amenities you are strengthening your proposition. They are individuals with diverse passions and priorities, so reflect that in your social media posts.
Here are some examples of effective local content:

* Local restaurants and bars
* Attractions and family days out (museums, theme parks)
* Education (schools, universities)
* Transport (routes and travel times to nearby cities)The beauty of this kind of post is it requires comparatively little work to produce. High-quality royalty free images exist on the internet and can be used in your post without you having to physically visit the location and be an expert in photography. It allows you to post regularly and consistently, nurturing your position in social media algorithms and allowing your posts to be seen by a wider audience of potential clients.
This is property marketing at its best.
Don't just post images add value too. With each post, I recommend a caption of between 50-100 words clarifying the images. A clear, digestible caption that offers value with a call to action; a CTA will help to generate inbound enquiries as your audience grows. If the subject of your post has a social profile then tag them! A repost from them will put your profile in front of their local audience, helping you to gain relevant and qualified followers.
Building a social profile specific to your area allows you to nurture your audience and qualify leads. Tailoring the content this way will help you gain a majority of followers who could be considering a move to the area. This means that your

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TikTok hit the ground running when it launched in 2018It gained huge traction in early 2020 due to the start of the pandemic and now keeps building upon its popularity.
What started as an app for Gen Z now has 1 billion active users per month, across all age ranges.
The reason it is proving to be so popular is the fun aspect of it, not overly polished or heavily marketed, TikTok is about having fun, creating your own content, and remixing existing vial content.
If you’re a recruiter how can you leverage the growing platform of TikTok to boost your recruiting potential?
Using TikTok is a brilliant way to let followers and potential employees see more behind the scenes content of a brand and show some personality as opposed to the polished feel of Instagram. It humanises your brand and in doing so this sets the tone for candidates and lets them see if your company is a place that they could see themselves working at.
As a recruiter, you can also leverage content from your employees and repost their work videos. You want to sell the team, the environment and the job.
Recently, HBO and Hollister had each used TikTok to post jobs, allowing candidates to post their own videos by way of application. This looks to be the start of a growing trend, instead of pages of standard black and white CVs, the recruiter can instead sift through short-form content where you get an insight into the candidate beyond a written CV.
For creative industries, TikTok might be one of the best platforms to find new, young talent. A video application allows you to potentially see some of their portfolio or experience while having a chance to personally shine in the video.
As a recruiter then, you can build your following by posting authentic, fun or useful content, such as job interview tips, CV tips or what you look for in candidates. Create some behind the scenes information about life as a recruiter, or company information videos about the companies you are hiring for. Look to create a hashtag that other people can use too, or perhaps you could use an existing one with traction to boost your video. For example, #jobsearch has 165million views.
Just like any other platform, TikTok has its own influencers, you could look to partner with an influencer to create some ‘working for..’ behind the scene content, with the call to action of posting their application video. This is leveraging someone with a vast audience that also aligns with your company to better increase the chance of finding a great new employee and boost your profile as a recruiter at the same time.
TikTok allows for ads too, which is perfect for you to run recruitment campaigns and extend your reach across the platform, as well as driving potential followers to your recruitment profile.
As a recruiter, sometimes you need to think outside the box and find talent beyond the usual spaces, especially true for younger candidates. The more places you add to your toolkit, the higher your success rate of finding the perfect candidate will be. As TikTok grows, recruitment teams will be rushing to it, so, if you’re a recruiter, get ahead of the game and get on there now.